White Tea Scented Tablet

White Tea Scented Tablet
White Tea Scented Tablet
White Tea Scented Tablet
White Tea Scented Tablet
White Tea Scented Tablet
White Tea Scented Tablet

Breathing Nature by Claire C.


Ingredients: Soy wax, white tea essential oil, assorted dried florals

Specifications: 1oz. 28g Net Weight | Last up to 60 days

Each scented wax tablet comes in complimentary mesh sachet so it could continue to give off scent without having to take it out. Perfect for gifting, black velvet ribbon and white kraft paper box will be provided.

A natural air freshener, this is perfect for scenting wardrobe. shoe cabinet and drawers.

White Tea

Clean, fresh and serene, this is a popular scent used in hotel lobby and spa.